If you do not find the answer to your question below, please contact us at (513) 977-4165 or
When can I visit the Weston Art Gallery?
Weston Art Gallery Hours:
- Tuesday-Saturday, 10:00 AM-5:30 PM
- Sunday, Noon-5:00 PM
- (open late on P&G Hall performance evenings)
Is there an admission fee for the Weston Art Gallery?
No, admission to the Weston is always FREE! Donations are welcome.
No advance reservations are required.
Where is the Weston Art Gallery located?
The Weston Art Gallery is located in the northwest corner of the Aronoff Center at Seventh and Walnut streets.
Is the Weston Art Gallery accessible to guests with physical disabilities?
The Weston Art Gallery is fully accessible to guests with physical disabilities. Enter through the Walnut Street doors. Both levels of the Gallery have elevator service and offer wheelchair accommodations.
Do I need to make a reservation to attend an artist gallery talk?
No, no reservations are required for artist talks or receptions at the gallery.
How do I submit work or a proposal to be considered for an exhibition at the gallery?
Exhibition Proposal Guidelines can be found on the About the Weston page of the website.
Does the gallery provide appaisals?
No, we do not provide appraisals or purchase artwork.
Is the Weston an independent commercial art gallery?
No, the Weston Art Gallery is a non-profit exhibition space that is part of the Cincinnati Arts Association, which manages the Aronoff Center and Music Hall.