School and Youth Programs

Artists on Tour

Artists on Tour brings a variety of arts experiences directly to you! Have the finest local teaching artists in the region come to your school and enhance learning with programs that cover a range of artistic styles and traditions.

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Cincinnati Arts Association is proud to present SchoolTime performances throughout the school year that allow your students to experience the magic of live, professional theatre! 

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Overture Awards

The Overture Awards recognizes, encourages and rewards excellence in the arts among Greater Cincinnati students in grades 9-12. Its mission is to encourage arts education as an integral part of a student’s academic experience and to create an environment that encourages training in, and appreciation of, the arts.

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Journey Afterschool Expand

The Afterschool Expand program combines the joy of the arts with personal growth. Artists from various disciplines collaborate with students in afterschool programs to help them understand and express their emotions in creative and enjoyable ways.

Friends of Music Hall Educational Opportunities

Visit Music Hall for an interactive learning experience, or bring Music Hall to your classroom with virtual presentations and hands-on activities about this National Historic Landmark.

Contact Administrtive Assistant Julien Monick at (513) 287-6546 or for either of these programs.

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Support for Schools

Schools may apply for financial assistance to help cover the cost of Artists on Tour and SchoolTime programs. CAA also manages the Aronoff Center Rental Assistance program.

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Broadway in Cincinnati

For information on educational opportunities for Broadway in Cincinnati shows, or to request tickets at student prices, please contact the group sales manager by phone at (513) 369-4363 or by email.

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The Cincinnati Arts Association and its Education and Community Programs

are supported [in part] by the Ohio Arts Council, which receives support from the State of Ohio, and the National Endowment for the Arts.



Ameritas; ArtsWave; Charles H. Dater Foundation; The Cincinnati Herald; Eleanora C.U. Alms Trust—Fifth Third Bank, Trustee; Fifth Third Bank; Fort Washington Investment Advisors, Inc.; The Hearst Foundation; Greater Cincinnati Foundation; The John A. Schroth Family Charitable Trust (Edward V Arbaugh III); Local 12 WKRC-TV; Louise Taft Semple Foundation; The Luther Charitable Trust—Narley L. Haley & Fifth Third Bank, co-trustees; Ohio Arts Council; The Otto M. Budig Family Foundation; Paolo A Modern Jeweler; P&G Fund; Pepsi; The Stillson Foundation; Summerfair Cincinnati; TriHealth; Tri-State Chevy Dealers; The Western and Southern Financial Fund; The William O. Purdy, Jr. Foundation; WOW Windowboxes